Stableford Golf Scoring System | Golf Formats Explained

golf terms explained in detail

This blog post will discuss how to give a Stableford a shot. We will cover the essential rules of Stableford scoring, how to sum up your score, and some guidelines to score a Stableford effectively.

So if you are a newcomer or seasoned golfer, this blog post will provide you with all facts to score Stableford.

What is Stableford Scoring in Golf?

The Stableford golf scoring system is a useful variation to regular stroke play.

In Stableford, rather than counting the number of strokes, you get points based on how well you do on each hole.

 It softens the game and encourages players to be more aggressive. Stableford is unique. Explore golf scoring terms often used in formats like Stableford.

How does golf scoring work?

Scoring in golf is a basic notion, but there are a few different approaches.

The most prevalent approach is stroke play, which counts the total number of strokes required to finish the course. The player with the lowest score is the winner.

Another popular scoring technique is Stableford, where you earn points based on how well you perform on each hole.

 A bogey or better earns you points, whereas a double bogey or worse earns you none. At the end of the round, the player with the most points wins.

A double eagle is a hole score of two strokes under par, and a double eagle plus three is a hole score of five strokes under par.

Other scoring methods, such as match play and alternate shots, are also available. Stroke play and Stableford, on the other hand,

Here’s a good example of how golf scoring works:

1. Stroke play

 A player scores 72 if they take 72 strokes to complete a par 72 course.

2. Stableford Scoring Points:

The Stableford scoring system employs a points system. The points are assigned based on how well you do on each hole to par. The following are the standard Stableford point values:

0 points for a double bogey or worse.

1 point for bogey

2 points for par

3 points for a birdie

Eagle: 4 points

5 points for Albatross/Double Eagle

6 points for Condor

3. Modified Stableford Scoring

There are also a variety of modified Stableford scoring systems with varying point values.

Some modified Stableford systems, for example, give extra points for eagles and albatrosses, while others give fewer points for double bogeys and worse.

The particular point values utilized in a modified Stableford system will differ according to the tournament or event.

Stableford Score Calculation

Simply sum up the points you earn on each hole to get your Stableford score.

For example, a bogey on a par four hole would give you one point. A birdie on a par four hole earns you three points.

The Barracuda Championship is the PGA Tour’s only event that uses the Modified Stableford scoring format.

 It implies that players get points based on how well they score on each hole instead of attempting to have the lowest total score.

The Modified Stableford scoring system looks like this:

  • Eagle (8 points)
  • 2 points for a birdie
  • 0 points for par
  • -1 point for bogey
  • Two bogeys or worse: -1 point

The winner is the golfer with the most points after 72 holes. Under PGA Tour rules, a playoff will be played to break any ties after 72 holes.

A 58 was the lowest PGA Tour score recorded in a single round. Jim Furyk completed this astounding feat on August 7, 2016, during the final round of the Travelers Championship. The event was held at TPC River Highlands in Cromwell, Connecticut.

Jim Furyk shot a 58 in that record round, with ten birdies, an eagle, and no bogeys. This remarkable effort established a new low score in PGA Tour history and demonstrated Furyk’s tremendous skill and poise on the golf course.

How to Play the 6-6-6 Golf Game?

The game is played in stroke play for the first six holes. It means that players attempt to achieve the lowest possible score on each hole.

The game is played in match play over the next six holes. It implies that players battle head-to-head, with the lowest score on each hole winning the hole.

The game is played with a Stableford points scoring system for the final six holes. It implies that players get points based on their performance on each hole.

A par is worth two points, a birdie is worth three points, an eagle is worth four points, and an albatross is worth five points. A bogey or worse earns a player 0 points.

Which golf balls suit Stableford scoring? Consider the impact on your game.


Golf scoring systems are critical in determining the competitive spirit and thrill of the game.

From classic stroke play to the exciting Modified Stableford, each variation provides a unique experience for both players and spectators.

Understanding the many scoring systems, rules, and principles enhances one’s appreciation of this great sport, allowing golfers to immerse themselves in the world of golf fully.